Organizational tips from a completely unorganized mama.

Over ten years ago, my friend Lisa gifted me this little book, “Sink Reflections”. While I still struggle with clutter and having a minimum of ten incomplete projects/books/ideas at any given time, two principles from this book have helped me tremendously. 1. Start the day with your shoes on. Yes, that seems silly because I work at home but this one is huge for me because it somehow puts my mind into work mode. 2.Clean your kitchen sink! This one also seemed sort of silly to me at first but there really is something to be said about the gratification of completing a small task, especially the sink, since it’s usually at the center of your home. Starting the day with completing a task somehow really sets you up to complete more tasks. Do you have any small changes that have made a big impact in your daily life? I’d love to hear them!

Of course, my toddler couldn’t resist the running water, which led to this photo, which reminded me that I wanted to take sink photos of her again before she is too big, which led to me rounding up my camera, reflectors, bubbles and taking over 300 photos and the two of us making a big bubble mess. I almost have another completed task though and the floor kinda got “mopped” unintentionally so I’m calling it a win and I’ll have some sweet, clean sink/clean baby images to share later this week. 💗

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