photography tip of the day – look up child

Im 5’3, which I never really thought was super short but the longer I am in photography, the more that I have noticed I’m often shorter than my adult clients. I have also learned along the way.. primarily from my sister who LOVED the “up angle” so much that I began joking about standing on tables and ladders to photograph her. I have to admit though, she was right, that angle is more flattering than the “up the nose view” that is apparently just life from my perspective.

this was one of my sister’s favorite images that i took of her… up angle, of course.

Nowadays I have learned to compensate by having my clients sit or kneel, but honestly some people feel like they look a little “frumpy” sitting down so I take a step stool with me sometimes or look for a higher area to place myself and put my clients downhill There is one thing that I don’t do to compensate for my lack of height anymore and thats standing in chairs. As usual, I don’t learn anything the easy way so heres a little life lesson story that has helped me remember not to stand in chairs. I was photographing a gorgeous outdoor wedding, I think it was my third wedding ever. It was time for the garter/bouquet and since I was still a more timid photographer at the time everyone had gathered around and I couldn’t see. Now today I would simply ask the guests to please step aside since I was the photographer but nah, I thought I could just work around them. I grabbed a metal folding chair and didn’t even think twice before I hopped up in the chair. As I put pressure on the back with my foot while jumping straight up, the back of the chair was folding down and I was going backwards fast. I have no idea how, but my left foot landed behind the chair and while I was tangled up and flustered, I didn’t hit the ground or drop any of my equipment. And from that day on, I just nicely ask people to let the shorty through or find my handy step stool. Now that I think about it, maybe that is part of the reason I love photographing children so much.. they are always looking up to me 😉 Its okay to roll your eyes at my joke, my children do that too!

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